Soon...Modist will leave the ranks of Al-Ahly
Saturday 29-06-2024

The media confirmed Saif Zaher in television statements: Anthony Modeste is a player Al-Ahly has left the team before the end of the current season.

He said Saif Zaher in the “On Time Stadium” program on the “On” channel Time Sports":"Modist, After tomorrow, he will bid farewell to the Al-Ahly players, and will leave the ranks of the red team".

He added:"Departure Modest, according to Al-Ahly, the matter has become final. The player asked for a large sum of money despite the large amount that he received He obtained it, so that he could continue with the team for two months until the end of the league".

He explained:"Committee Planning rejected the idea of ​​Modeste continuing with the team for two months after the large sum that was made His request, especially since he has not performed as expected of him since joining the team".

Anthony Modeste has played since joining Al-Ahly 29 match, scoring 5 goals and making 4 more goals.< /font>

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